Reading Time: 14 minutes


The experience of Peer Recognized product users.

Visualization training

Communicating research findings is crucial for impactful science. Martins Zaumanis couldn’t have done a better job of showing us how to implement effective data visualization by losing all the clutter and highlighting the essentials!

Fabienne Brutscher

Organizer of the OILS conference in Zurich University

Research Paper Writing Approach

From the very first pixel on the screen all the way to getting accepted in the most suitable journal, the LEAP research paper writing approach shows how to become effective at writing impactful papers

Laura Konstantaki

Academic writing coach, ETH domain

Research Paper Writing Masterclass

I am a young researcher starting my PhD with no experience in paper writing. I took Martin’s Paper Writing Course hoping to get enough knowledge to overcome the anxiety of approaching a new task for the first time, starting from zero, that other paper writing courses could not.

After completing the class, I now feel like I could write my first paper anytime, without struggles, and make a great job of it at the first attempt: Martin’s class really explains the different nuances I should keep in mind while writing and reinforces the important takeaways with interactive quizzes. The class spans the entire process, from the first draft to getting published (getting through the reviewing process and all that). I found particularly interesting and helpful the section on the results and the final simulation on how to get through arguments and disputes with the co-authors during publishing (which happens quite often). I would recommend this to everyone just starting a PhD.

Andrea Gattiglio testimonial

Andrea Gattiglio,

PhD student at ETH Zurich Google review

Scientific Presentation training

With the participation of 46 early stage Scandinavian researchers, Martins Zaumanis provided valuable insights on how to structure, emphasize, and deliver presentations with confidence and impact. His tips and tricks will undoubtedly help young scientists to improve their presentation skills and succeed in their future endeavors. Thank you, Martins!

Arita Dubnika, The Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials

LEAP writing approach

I  have found your writing  experience using the LEAP research paper writing approach is truly helpful and encourages me to  develop interest and stamina in writing.

Fisseha, PhD student

Scientific Presenatation Training

The presentation got the attendees – who were all scientists – extremely curious about how to give an incredible scientific talk. The “common mistakes in the presentation” were practically described, which is so helpful in creating an awesome science presentation. 

Thank you for enriching our experience.

Amani Alawamleh, Chair of the Marie Curie Alumni Association, Middle Eastern Chapter

Visualization training

Martins delivered an informative, inspiring and engaging lecture. Through practical examples, he demonstrated simple methods to improve both the speech and visual aids for an effective presentation

Karlis Likviss,

Board Member of Latvian Young Scientist Association

Research Proposal Writing

From the birth of a research idea, all the way to submission of the research proposal, Martins demystifies proposal writing and helps scientists at any career stage maximize their chances of securing research funding

Review by Wino Wijnen

Wino Wijnen,

Proposal writing consultant at WiWright

Training locations

Oxford university logo
ETH Zurich logo
Zurich university logo
Palermo university logo
Bern university logo
EAWAG logo
Science ministry of Latvia logo
University of Latvia logo
LIB4RI logo
Bologna university logo
Empa logo
Scandinavian society of biomaterials logo

Peer Recognized Book Series testimonials

Great little books… students and teachers of seminar courses should treasure them.

Marko Fornari / US DEpartment of Enargy review

Congratulations on your well-written and interesting books! I am recommending them to all my colleagues, and our bachelor and master students!

Cedric Vuye, Associate Professor at University of Antwerp Review

I purchased Martin’s books: Books 1,2, and 3, which have all been instrumental to my progress as a student. I have used many “quick fixes” to my presentation and visualisation flaws in the past, and none seemed to get me from a B+ to an A student in research projects till I came across these books.

Now, I am more confident and “telling my stories” at a conference than I could in the past. I am now more discretional in what visuals I display, both in my writings and speeches. My analytical skills have also increased. In short, these books have put me in the minds of my readers and listeners, and I can now meet their expectations.

Moses Smith Guddah

Amazon review


Peer Recognized book series from Martins Zaumanis is a unique product that contains many of the tricks and tips that helped me in my career so far and I am convinced can help you communicate well your work and, with some determination and perseverance, make an impact into any research area.

I taught these topics at the University of Nottingham and now at the Università degli Studi di Palermo and I can easily say: this work is unique and truly helpful for anyone who wants to start and/or improve in sharing research products with the community.

Davide Lo Presti

Associate Professor, University of Palermo

LinkedIn review

Cover of the book "Write an Impactful Research Paper"

I have your 3 book collection..I read the one about writing impactful research papers. And I LOVED it. I love the clarity of ideas, the flow and especially the beautiful writing style. I plan to read research data visualization next. Thank you for making the time to write these books and thank you for your amazing newsletter. I’m a big fan. 

Asma Khattala, PhD, academic writing coach, review

Perfect for starting a research group

I just started my research group at an R1 institution and this book has saved me from having to explain all of the concepts over and over again to my students. It is one coherent resource that pulls together a lot of things I had to learn through trial and error in my PhD. So sure, you as a PhD might already have learned all (or most) of these things, but I guarantee this book and the associated resources are put together in a more coherent way than most academics could do (in all of our free time). If you are starting a PhD research group, I can’t recommend it enough.

A great reference for academic publishing AND career

This book is a great guide for academic writing. The advice is practical and fun. There are great nuggets of advice/ research into how the academic publishing works, and it’s field-agnostic. It’s not just a guide for writing, but a guide for kick-starting a career in academia. Highly recommend!


Clearly explanations and very well organized and structured book. The author brings the complexity to a simple exposure. Great and brilliant writer. He is like Richard Feynman.

Certainly purchased for the University Library. Equally recommended and those students have indeed used them. So credit where credit’s due Martins Zaumanis Keep up the good work

Martin Case, academic librarian at Anglia Ruskin University review

I am writing my first article, and I found the book very useful and straightforward. I was looking for something that would list the different steps of writing a manuscript without sharing too much extra information. The book has all I need at this point.

Anonymous Amazon review

Fun read on the academic publication process

Lots of practical advice for junior scientists as well as insights into the social components of science.

Anonymous Amazon review

A must read

The text of this book went beyond the basics and was like having a mentor. An important guide for the researchers to write impactful publications and get recognized in their field of research.

Anonymous, Amazon review

The book reads very well, with a lot of useful advice.

Wim Wan den bergh, Professor at University of Antwerp Review


The book is meant for phd students who have just started research work so they know the steps in academic to write a research paper based on their thesis. The book does an excellent job to explain the academic jargon such as h index; citations; snowball effect; etc which will help young phds a lot. The cartoons throughout the book explain all concepts in a funny way that is easy to follow. Best chapters are how to organise your research paper and how review is important chapters. Last but not the least follow LEAP approach to publish academic papers. Layout – explain- advertise- prepare. All the best to the author for future books .

Mayank Mishra, Amazon review

Book Cover for "Write a Winning Research Proposal: How to Generate Grant Ideas and Secure Funding Using Research Project Canvas" by Martins Zaumanis

The book offers essential insights into the world of proposal writing, as it brings structure to the project design and writing process. In his accessible writing style, and with a touch of humor, Martins unveils the mysteries of grant writing by sharing practical examples based on first-hand experience.

An essential read for researchers who are getting started with fundraising, and just as refreshing for seasoned proposal writers.

Review by Wino Wijnen

Wino Wijnen,

Proposal writing consultant at WiWright

Link to the review

A unique book full of surprises

Because I’ve been in the business of academic grant writing for almost 30 years, I was skeptical that Dr. Zaumanis’s book would present anything that I hadn’t seen before. Boy, was I wrong! Just the idea of using a project canvas (which he includes on his website) to lay out the elements of the grant is worth the price of the book. I mentor many PhD students, and, in future, I will require them to purchase and use a copy of “Write a Winning Research Proposal” because it will make both our lives easier!


Kevin, Amazon review

A unique book full of surprises

I’d just started applying for a grant and I can say that this booked came in very handy!
Everything is explained in simple and clear language….yet every aspect is explained in much detail.
You’ll never get tired and bored reading this book
The cheat sheets are great
I highly recommend this book to all researchers out there that are looking for a solid starting point which will allow them to write compelling research proposals!


Abbas Solouki, Amazon review

If you follow the steps in this book, a stunning research proposal will follow.

EGH, Amazon review

Wealth of information

I was astonished by the wealth of valuable information in “Write a Winning Research Proposal”.

In particular, the advice that by integrating diverse areas of expertise, one could more easily become a pioneer and develop their own research, rather than pursuing a single field at a high level, was incredibly encouraging to me.

I, too, have a background of significantly changing research fields through my experiences in undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral studies.

However, I sometimes wondered whether it would have been better to focus on a single field. 

After reading the advice in the book, I gained hope that I could create my own field and become a pioneer in it.

I have recently been working with even more enthusiasm, finding enjoyment in combining the fields I’ve studied so far and listening to professors from different fields to see where there might be opportunities for integration.

I have already purchased your other books, and I am eager to learn more as I read through them.

Akihiko, PhD student

A must-read book for young scientists

I am a young scientist with 2 unsuccessful research grant applications. As I was trying to write research proposals out of thin air with no experience in that type of writing, I finally realized I needed help and this book and the other books of the series grabbed my attention.
The book is readable, and full of useful tips and templates. Wish me good luck with my next research proposal. 🙂


Anonymous, Amazon review

An complex topic made easy

The book is written in simple and clear language. No fuzziness hiding behind pretentious words and “smart” sentences that I have seen in other books on writing research proposals. The reading is made even easier through the many useful (and occasionally fun) illustrations. I highly recommend the book.


Anonymous, Amazon review

Stuffed with actionable advice

I have written multiple research proposals but so far I have not received a grant. So I felt I need to learn a way to improve my chances. I am sure this book is it! It is stuffed with actionable advice on generating ideas and writing research proposals. I have downloaded all the additional documents and I can see how most of them will really make writing proposals considerably easier. The beautiful illustrations make the book just a pleasure to look at and read.


Andy, Amazon review

It is a great piece of work, very relevant and helpful! Hope everyone appreciates the effort and the enthusiasm you put into it.

David Hernando, Assistant Professor, University of Antwerp Review

The book is also of greater value to those working outside the scientific world

Rob Hofman, production coordinator at Dutch road administration review

Certainly purchased for the University Library. Equally recommended and those students have indeed used them. So credit where credit’s due Martins Zaumanis Keep up the good work

Martin Case, academic librarian at Anglia Ruskin University review

This book is an answer to any researcher who wants to bring out his/her best game in their research. So many of us want to make the presentation or poster interesting. However, we lack the basic skills or simply the effort required. This book is an ultimate guide to how we can analyze data and make our research more interesting for the audience. Highly recommended. 🙂

Anik Gupta, PhD student at Calabria University Amazon review

I will definitely recommend it to young colleagues and my students.

Dirk Jansen, Section head at German Federal Highway Research Institute Review

This book will help millions of researchers.

Rahul Roaniar, Data Scientist Review

Unlike other dataviz books, this one is written specifically for scientists by a scientist. I have read other books on the topic and this one resonated with me the most because of the many examples from research papers, proposals and conference presentations. Most other books are business oriented and can feel too detached at times for what researchers need. What’s important, there are also examples of what not to do (and why not).
A pleasant surprise was the additional tools included.

Thank you very much for your “Peer recognized” book series. This book unlocked my understanding about the need to “convey a message” and not just “describe”. They brought my ongoing paper to another level of clarity.

Anonymous Amazon review

Amazon review

Cover of the book "Scientific Presentation Skills: How to design effective research posters and deliver powerful academic presentations" by Martins Zaumanis

Katherina Bensing,

Postdoctoral Scientist, TU Darmstadt, Amazon review


I really felt understood and could connect to the stories that were told in the book.

This book gives a very structured overview of the most important steps to design and give a extraordinary presentation as well as some additional aspects for a poster presentation! Even though you intuitively know many aspects, the way Dr. Zaumanis structures and describes it in five main steps is didactically amazing.

The book is very good to read, even if your English is not perfect (like mine).

The additional, downloadable sheets are perfect to remind you of the most important aspects later and put them in your office.

The book is also a very entertaining one, so you have fun reading it. The nice figures make it very illustrative and memorable, and it also has the exact right extent to finishing it in a short time!

While reading, I really felt understood and could connect to the stories that were told in the book. Therefore, I also think it makes me feel more calm and confident getting on stage the next time, since I know now that everybody is feeling the way I feel and that I CAN GET BETTER, even if I am NOT a natural talented speaker. 🙂

And the results speak for themselves… I have read it just before the defense of my dissertation and I received soooo much positive feedback (and a “summa cum laude” 🙂 ).


(… I have already bought the other books of his series and looking forward to reading and enjoying them… and of course seeing the results of their application 🙂 )

Great book

I was always struggling at conference presentations because I could see that the audience is not really following what I say. Sometimes I would get questions after the presentation about things that I thought that I already clearly explained. The best presenting advice my adviser could give was “add the test X or result Y”.
This book is an eye opener. It shows how to explain my research to make people understand and care about it. I can’t wait for the next conference to try out the tips from this book in practice.

Karim, Amazon review

Clear, simple and immediately actionable

It’s a book I would write myself for scientists and highly recommend. Martins details the essence of scientific presentations and the design of scientific posters in his book “Scientific Presentation Skills”.

Andy Gobel

Group leader at MSNZ Dresden, Presenting coach, LinkedIn post

Shows specific steps for becoming better at presenting

I am a final year PhD student and conferences have been quite an underwhelming experience for me so far. I never really got any any great feedback about my work, not to mention collaboration opportunities. So I started to look for how to improve my presentation skills. I read a couple of online articles but they all had the same generic advice. Then I found this book. It shows all the things that I had been doing wrong, including designing posters that look like a wall of text and using tiny bullet points in my presentation slides.
More importantly, the book shows specific steps for becoming better at presenting. I most liked the idea to involve stories in scientific talks. I never realized it but from my previous conferences I best remember the talks that had some elements of storytelling in them. My next conference is this summer and I will certainly add a story or two. I also appreciate the poster design template that the author provided.


Great book

I was always struggling at conference presentations because I could see that the audience is not really following what I say. Sometimes I would get questions after the presentation about things that I thought that I already clearly explained. The best presenting advice my adviser could give was “add the test X or result Y”.
This book is an eye opener. It shows how to explain my research to make people understand and care about it. I can’t wait for the next conference to try out the tips from this book in practice.
