Take the LEAP to Writing Impactful Research Papers

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Write better papers
Get more citations
Make a difference

There is no need for headaches, self-doubt, and endless revisions.
The LEAP research paper writing cheat sheet lays out a blueprint for confident academic writing, even if you don’t possess the writing gene.

A PhD student climbing to the other side of a cliff using LEAP writing principles

Why is the LEAP writing approach effective?

Let me tell you why the LEAP cheat sheet is effective. You see, papers have a certain structure (probably you have heard about the IMRaD). This structure makes it easy to read the papers but it absolutely does not mean that you should follow the same sequence when writing papers.

To prepare the manuscript, it is easier to start with the sections that are the easiest and most fun to write. Usually, this means plotting the results and trying to figure out what it is that they mean. This is the narrow part of the figure below. 

Once a certain section is finished, you can step back to a wider part to gradually write all the other sections. This stepwise writing structure is at the core of the LEAP writing approach. You will write one section at a time in an order that facilitates thinking about the results.

Following the four LEAP writing steps will make your writing more efficient and get you to a published paper quickly.

Is the cheat sheet all I need?

Of course, a single cheat sheet can not hold all there is to know about writing research papers. For that, you need to read the book “Write an Impactful Research Paper“.

The book lays out what exactly to include in each section of a research paper by following the LEAP writing approach. Consider the book a blueprint for writing research papers. The book is available on Amazon in any country.

Find out the unwritten rules of academic publishing

In the book “Write an Impactful Research Paper“, besides the LEAP steps, I reveal eight unwritten rules of the academic world. Knowing them will help you to strategically plan your publishing efforts, gather citations, and become a respected player in the academic job market.

A PhD student on a chess board with other chess figures

About the author

My name is Martins Zaumanis and I am a researcher at a Swiss materials research institute Empa. I developed the LEAP academic writing approach to help young researchers efficiently write impactful research papers. Not only that. The LEAP steps will actually help you to make sense of research results and frame a core message that convinces your readers.

I feel butterflies in my stomach every time someone cites my papers. Citations serve as a confirmation that my work is meaningful. With the LEAP writing approach, I lay out publishing tips so that you can feel that high as well.

Instead of fearing the writing process, this book will show you how to leverage it as a means of understanding your research results.

The book “Write an Impactful Research Paper” is on Amazon

What the book readers say

5.0 out of 5.0 stars

“From the very first pixel on the screen all the way to getting accepted in the most suitable journal, this step-by-step guide shows how to become effective at writing impactful papers.”

Laura Konstantaki, academic writing coach at ETH domain, Switzerland
5.0 out of 5.0 stars

The examples are point on and general at the same time. You will understand that a lot of effort has been given on finding the best example possible … and even more, they are not limited to just one or two subjects or fields. It doesn’t matter from which field you are, you will enjoy reading it and find it useful. The overall content is enough, not to short to leave gaps and not too long to stop you from reading the next section. The wording of the book is not complex so you can concentrate on learning new things rather than decoding authors thoughts. Each section has a summary, so you can easily recall what you have read with just a quick look.

Abbas Solouki, PhD student at University of Bologna, Italy
5.0 out of 5.0 stars

Such a great book! Martin writes in an easy and uncomplicated way, and the reader does not feel overwhelmed by the information provided. I not only fully recommend the book, but I am also anxiously waiting for further ones.

If you want to boost your academic career this is a book that can help you with!

Mayara Sarisariyama, PhD student at Vienna Technical University, Austria
5.0 out of 5.0 stars

“This is a highly recommended book. It’s ideal for both young researchers that just started – or are about to start- writing scientific articles, and senior researchers that want to exploit their writing skills and hence, their scientific contributions. It’s easy to read, well-structured and to the point without being wordy. While reading it you realize that writing articles it’s not rocket science – I used to feel like that. Martins Zaumanis presents a simple but coherent methodology that will guide you through all the steps needed for writing high-level scientific articles. Moreover, it gives you all the tips you need – but might be afraid to ask- for boosting your academic career.  “

Ioannis Kousis, Ph.D. fellow at the university of Perugia

What happens if you don’t get the book 🙂

The Peer Recognized book series

Eventually, there will be six books in the Peer Recognized book series, each of which will focus on one of the primary academic communication skills that will help to build an academic career. As you can see in the figure, the books are arranged in a sequence that reflects the needs at the different stages in an academic career. Depending on your career stage, choose which one to read.  

Peer Recognized series books and when to read them in the academic career
The Peer Recognized series will have a total of six books, each of which focuses on one of the primary communication skills in academia

“Write an Impactful Research Paper” is the first Peer Recognized book and you already saw what to expect from it. Here is more information about the other five books in the series: